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Posts Tagged ‘withdrawal symptoms’

Question by •??? Ashley MARiE •???: please help me out (mental drug problems) my uncle?
my uncle has been doing drugs since the age 15 and now he is 35 hes tried all sort of drugs there is hes been going crazy and will not go to the doctor .. Hes been abusive and there all frightened by him and very worried. How long will this drug reaction go on ? did it mean hes smoked so much

Best answer:

Answer by Marion’s Wife
This behaviour results largely from the effects of prolonged drug exposure on brain functioning. Addiction is a brain disease that affects multiple brain circuits, including those involved in reward and motivation, learning and memory, and inhibitory control over behaviour.
Treatment in a criminal justice setting can succeed in preventing an offender’s return to criminal behaviour, particularly when treatment continues as the person transitions back into the community. Studies show that treatment does not need to be voluntary to be effective.

Medications offer help in suppressing withdrawal symptoms during detoxification. However, medically assisted detoxification is not in itself “treatment”—it is only the first step in the treatment process. Patients who go through medically assisted withdrawal but do not receive any further treatment show drug abuse patterns similar to those who were never treated.
Take care always!!

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Laws needed to help treat drug addiction
I grew up in southwest Jefferson County and was fortunate to have the support, love and care of two great parents and four grandparents. We were taught right from wrong and we are passing those ideals to the next generations of nieces and nephews.
Read more on The Courier-Journal

Al-Amal Hospital combats drug addiction among young men and women
The women's section is still new and only has 11 beds; 10 for hospitalization and one for intensive care. The female addict is hospitalized so withdrawal symptoms can be treated for two to three weeks depending on the drug and the female addict's …
Read more on Saudi Gazette

Rare US Senate field hearing focuses on Vermont's addiction fight
“Vermonters don't shy from a challenge and they don't hesitate to tell you what's on their mind, and so we've got some innovative programs.” Baker described how he arrived at the police department in 2012, for the second time in his … “We now …

Willingway to host food addiction workshop
Willingway, the addiction treatment experts, will host a new workshop titled "Food Addiction — A Relationship With Food" on Friday. This three-hour continuing education unit workshop will explore the similarities between substance abuse disorders and …
Read more on Statesboro Herald

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction: A psychological addiction or a physical addiction
Detoxification can be done on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Residential Treatment Programs and Support … Residential treatment programs monitor and point out possible withdrawal symptoms and behaviors of the addicts. These programs use behavior …

Question by Smile!: Where does the phrase “going cold turkey” come from?

Best answer:

Answer by Monty
“”Cold turkey” is an expression describing the actions of a person who gives up a habit or addiction all at once. That is, rather than gradually easing the process through reduction or by using replacement medication. Its supposed advantage is that by not actively using supplemental methods, the person avoids thinking about the habit and its temptation, and avoids further feeding the chemical addiction. The supposed disadvantages related to the abuse of drugs such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, and heroin are unbearable withdrawal symptoms from the total absence, which may cause tremendous stress on the heart and blood vessels and — in a worst case scenario — possible stroke or heart failure.

The etymology derives from the phrase talk turkey, in which someone deals matter-of-factly with a subject. Some, however, believe the derivation is from the comparison of a cold turkey carcass and the state of a withdrawing addict — most notably, the cold sweats and goose bumps. It is often preceded by the verb “to go,” as in “going cold turkey.” Yet another suggestion of origin is that cold turkey is a dish that needs little or no preparation. “To quit like cold turkey” would be to quit in the same way a cold turkey is served, instantly just as you are without preparation.

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Question by Liza Shevchuk: Natural Remedies For Brain Damage After Drug Abuse?
My older brother has done many drugs from about 16-21. Its been a year since his last use, and he’s been having some serious problems. He has high anxiety and he’s been having frequent episodes of “weird” (as he calls it) feelings. He doesn’t label it as feeling sick. During these episodes he feels jittery, emotional (even cry’s sometimes) out of control, his heart rate goes up. This also causes him to have insomnia. Maybe they’re panic attacks, but the thing is, what triggers it? This occurs randomly on a normal day. We believe its typical withdrawal symptoms, because he abused quite a few drugs. (Marijuana, cigarettes, ecstasy, crystal meth, shrooms, hookah, cocaine, inhalants, “uppers” (as he calls them))
He has gone to see his doctor several times to get treatment, and his doctor said he has migraines.
He prescribed him anti depressants and that didn’t help my brother AT ALL.
He does this herbal drop treatment (echinacea, other oils, etc) That help him sleep.
Now we’re trying to find him herbal remedies that would help repair his brain damage from all of the abuse he has done to it.
Thank you very much.

Best answer:

Answer by jannsody
I’m not sure that there will be repairing of the brain damage (presuming that he has that as I’m not a medical doctor :), but researchers believe that the brain is very “plastic” and may form new nerve pathways to *help* compensate for the injured areas.

With regard to inhalant use, my friend actually has a severe Brain Injury from huffing at the age of 12, now in her 30s. The chemicals in products used for huffing are actual *poisons* that were never meant to go through the bloodstream.

Please be *very* careful with herbal supplements or “remedies” (e.g., echinacea, ginkgo biloba, chamomile) as they can result in side effects and/or drug (medication) interactions. It’s best to check with a licensed pharmacist before taking any of them. Not everything that is “natural” is safe 😉

Regarding the panic attacks, some people have generalized anxiety (to know specific event) or other types of anxiety. The antidepressants may help to lessen the intensity and/or frequency of the anxiety symptoms. Such medications tend to take about 6-8 weeks before possibly noticing results. A caveat (warning) is that some antidepressants may cause insomnia (trouble getting to and/or staying asleep). However, there are medications that one may take to help counteract the insomnia.

Even though benzo’s (e.g., ativan, valium, xanax, klonopin) may be prescribed to help with sleep, they’re not always recommended as a medication due to their physical addictiveness. (Some withdrawal symptoms from benzo’s may include seizures, psychosis/mental break from reality, or even death.) Some psychiatrists (it’s best to get medication for mental health issues from a board-certified psychiatrist as opposed to “just” a family doctor) prescribe seroquel (or other medications), which is classified as an antipsychotic but in smaller dosages may help with sleep.

You’d mentioned that he’s gone to the doctor several times, and I’m wondering if he’s gone to a neurologist which is medical dr who can help rule out disorders of the nervous system – brain, spinal cord, nerves. I’m just thinking that to help “cover all the bases” (not trying to give false hope though, know what I mean).

I’m not sure that he’d still be going through withdrawal symptoms a year after stopping the drugs, but it’s a good idea to ask a doctor about that as well.

Pertaining to the anxiety, please show him this government site which may have some local counseling agencies: and can click the second link. Then one can click “near you” on the left-hand side of the page under “find facilities” and can type one’s city and state of residence into search. Their toll-free 24/7 referral helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357). Just an fyi that the first link is for those looking for substance abuse counseling/treatment, and that may be an option if he’s still “using” or having cravings for substances.

A 12-step program, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), may have some local support groups. The only requirement is having a desire to get sober. One may attend an “open” AA meeting if there is no drinking problem:

This site has some common mottos pertaining to those 12-step programs, including “One day at a time”, “First things first” and “People, places and things”:

Al-Anon is a 12-step program for the *friends and family* of the problem drinker, but one may attend an “open” Al-Anon meeting if the loved one doesn’t have a drinking problem:

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Question by Anty: What are the long term effects of being born addicted to drugs?
The immediate effects on an infant are the withdrawal symptoms and failure to thrive and bond with the caregiver. Are there any long term effects? As in, during the toddler or teenage years. Are any effects seen when they’re older?
What do you mean by “funny”? I’m asking a serious question.

Best answer:

Answer by MyNickname
Funny how u used “long term”……

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