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Posts Tagged ‘inpatient substance abuse treatment’

Those who have witnessed their family members choosing drugs over them may wonder why they would do such a thing. Drugs are expensive, and if you are already struggling with finances, or if the loved one is in trouble with the law, their drug abuse may perplex and anger you even more. If you are a drug addict, you may be wondering why you are using drugs again, when you just swore you would never touch it again.

It is important to realize that individuals who abuse drugs are not the result of moral weakness or defective willpower. When one abuses drugs, it results in changes in the brain, creating stronger impulses to keep using. For this reason, individuals who abuse drugs often perpetuate broken homes and many end up dying from overdose. However, it is possible to recover from drug abuse. By learning how to identify the signs of symptoms of the abuse of drugs or addiction to them, you can be more efficient in spotting when the individual needs help. Additionally, with the proper amount of support and treatment, recovery can be permanently achieved.

Substance abuse is the repeated and excessive use of chemical substances to attain a specific effect. These chemical substances are usually “street” or “illicit” drugs, which are illegal because of their high propensity for addiction and abuse. Sometimes they are drugs obtained with a prescription, but instead of using them to help cure their ailment, users take them to get high.

Drug abuse comes in many forms, and different drugs have varying effects. For example, cocaine, or methamphetamine, often provide an intense “rush” and initial feelings of infinite energy, often to the point where the user feels superhuman. Drugs, such as heroin, benzodiazepines or the prescription OxyContin may cause extreme feelings of relaxation and calm. However, over-stimulation of the pleasure center of the brain is what most drugs have in common. Over time, the drug alters the brain’s chemistry to where not having the drug causes extreme discomfort and is even physically painful. This compelling urge to use the drug results in drug addiction; at this stage work, relationships, and health are often disrupted.

The abuse of prescription drugs is a growing societal problem; abusing them is just as dangerous as using street drugs. If prescription drugs are properly used, they can be beneficial in their medical and psychological treatment purpose. Opiates, such as Vicodin (hydrocodone) and OxyContin are often prescribed to treat severe pain or recovery from surgery. Benzodiazapines, such as Valium or Xanax, are typically prescribed to treat anxiety disorders. When these drugs are being for used non-medical reasons is when the problem arises. Furthermore, because prescription drugs are often obtained through a prescription, and are often placed inside the home (medicine cabinet), it provides easy access to other family members vulnerable to drug abuse.

Estimated arrests for drug abuse violations by age group, 1994-2006








































Source: Crime in the United States, annual, Uniform Crime Reports

To avoid becoming a statistic, visit SAMHSA’s website and contact a treatment facility near you.

Drug Enforcement Agnecy (DEA) –
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) –
National Institue of Health (NIH) –

Based on a 2007 survey, 7.8 percent of individuals aged 12 or older needed alcohol treatment for an alcohol problem in the past year; 8.1 percent received treatment at a substance use treatment facility; 4.5 percent required treatment but did not receive it; and 87.4 percent did not receive treatment and did not see the need for it. Only 27.9 percent of individuals who did not receive treatment for alcohol dependency but felt they needed it made an effort to receive treatment in the prior year. Estimates for 2004-2007 reflect that the most frequent reasons stated for not receiving treatment for alcohol dependency were not being ready to stop using alcohol, and insurance costs. Other reasons involved the social stigma associated with receiving treatment, feeling that treatment centers were not accessible enough, not feeling the need for treatment or thinking they could handle the problem on their own, and not knowing where to find treatment.

The abuse of alcohol affects the physical, mental, and fiscal health of millions of individuals each year. Alcohol treatment programs includes a wide array of programs designed to effectively treat alcohol dependence or abuse; however, there are many individuals who need treatment but refuse to use these resources, refusing to recognize the necessity of them. By increasing the public’s awareness of the symptoms of alcohol problems, widening screening for alcohol issues in primary care and emergency departments, and by ensuring that individuals are matched with the proper intervention or treatment services, an abundance of lives can be saved. Additionally, they can help to improve the lives of alcohol abusers, their families, and other citizens in the community.

In a 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) survey, respondents were asked if they ever felt they needed alcohol treatment at any time in the prior year but did not receive it. The chart below depicts the statistics for individuals needing treatment for an alcohol problem.

Figure 1. Needed Treatment for an Alcohol Problem in the Past Year among Persons Aged 12 or Older, by Demographic Characteristics: 2007


Among individuals who required treatment for alcohol use, it was determined that adults aged 26 or older were more likely than adolescents and young adults to have gotten treatment at a treatment facility; there was not much difference as it relates to gender.

When an alcoholic decides to undergo treatment, he must first rid himself of the alcohol inside his body. This grueling process of detoxification can create severe withdrawal symptoms. Depending on the severity, he may be required to undergo inpatient or outpatient care. Most often, outpatient care is the chosen route, provided there is a sober individual present to assist the alcoholic during the process.

Alcohol treatment should not be underestimated, as it helps to have a licensed physician determine whether medication and/or therapy is necessary. Furthermore, there are a bevy of treatment facilities available to assist with alcohol dependency. Visit SAMHSA’s website, click on the facility locator, and you will be able to find one located near you. Additionally, many of these facilities are publicly funded.

Drug Enforcement Agnecy (DEA) –
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) –
National Institue of Health (NIH) –

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