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Q&A: Do You Believe in Holistic Healing?

Question by Ducky stars: Do you believe in holistic healing?
I have eczema. If you’re not familiar it’s a hereditary skin condition. Lately it has been acting up and my roommate is trying to connect me to a “healer”. The “treatments” run a hefty $ 100 / hour. I’m a little skeptical, but in a small way willing to try anything. I have had this condition my whole life long and seen doctor after doctor with only temporary results.

Best answer:

Answer by PapiCulo
there are quacks out there and that is a shame because they give a bad name to an important consciousness that traditional ( western) medicine is failing us. Look at most drugs in the market, especially for skin conditions, what do they do? They do not treat the source of the problem, they treat the symptom of the condition!

Holistic medicine is treatment from the inside, not the external. It targets the root of your conditions and treats it from there. I encourage you to keep searching, you will find legitimate healers out there. Go to a local health food store and ask if they can rec commend a good Chinese herbalist or acupuncturist. Or start with a naturpath; that’s a board cert. doctor that uses both practices western and eastern to heal..

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